Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle, safe, and effective therapy that aids in total body cellular wellness. MLD is a sequential massage technique that is very relaxing and involves light touching. The purpose of MLD is to open the primary lymph nodes in the body and allow the passage of lymphocytes.
Lymph Nodes are your body's filter and a healthy lymphatic system is crucial for a strong immune response. Efficient lymph flow transports white blood cells that fight infections, ensuring your body is ready to tackle whatever comes its way. Lymph flow carries vital materials to support the health and recovery of all systems and aid in tissue repair and helps remove cellular debris.
MLD is a proven effective therapy for a wide scope of ailments and conditions. It is excellent for all auto-immune/nervous system disorders, pain, swelling, and inflammation. It improves recovery time and scars pre- and post operation for all types of procedures. Studies are continuing to find new and impactful ways that manual lymphatic drainage can be applied and many use it for general wellness, physiological health, and even signs of aging.
Improved sleep and higher daytime energy - Decreased stress and anxiety - Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel and Chronic Pain improvement
Allergy and Asthma symptom relief - Easing of Digestive Issues - Dermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis symptom relief